As the effort to decrease global warming intensifies, energy efficient air conditioners are constantly being created to meet the growing demand. Because most of our power utilities still utilize fossil fuel to generate energy, reducing the power used by air conditioners will result in a reduction in carbon footprint.
Since the Montreal Protocol, days of employing ozone-friendly refrigerants have arrived, and as a result, the hole above Antarctica has been shown to be diminishing.
R22, an ozone-unfriendly refrigerant, is no longer manufactured, and while you may still buy equipment that uses it through recycling, it will soon be replaced with ozone-friendly refrigerants like R407C, R410A, and R32. These refrigerants do not deplete the ozone layer.
Selecting Energy-Saving Air Conditioners
In general, the more efficient the equipment is, the more expensive it is in comparison to less efficient equipment. When it comes to purchasing energy efficient air conditioners, there are a few steps you may take.
1. Capacity for cooling
Determine how much cooling capacity the room requires. Here are some preliminary estimates on how to accomplish this. Purchasing an enormous air conditioner is not a wise decision because it is more expensive and does not always give superior comfort.
2. Non-Inverter vs. Inverter
Choose an inverter model over a non-inverter model since it will be more efficient. The rotation of the inverter compressor can be adjusted according to the load needs, resulting in energy savings.
The non-inverter compressor, on the other hand, can only switch ON or OFF. It is unable to adjust its speed in response to the load. Turning on and off frequently consumes more energy.
Choose a DC inverter compressor rather an AC inverter since it is more efficient.
3. COP, EER, and SEER are acronyms for coefficient of performance, energy efficiency, and sustainability.
Examine the model's efficiency in the brochures. Each model will have its own set of values, which will also differ between manufacturers.
The cooling capacity (W) vs. the power input is measured by the coefficient of performance (COP) (W). The higher the value, the more efficient the system is because it can offer more cooling for the same amount of power.
Make your own calculations if it isn't provided. 1W=3.4121 Btu/h for easy cooling capacity conversion. Select a model with a greater COP.
EER is the cooling capacity (Btu/h) to power input ratio (W). Choose a higher EER rating, just like COP, and the device will use less energy for the same capacity.
The SEER is the ratio of total cooling (Btu) to total energy (Watt-hours) provided by the equipment throughout the course of the season. SEER is more accurate because it considers the air conditioner's start-up and shut-down cycles. For energy efficient air conditioners, use a higher value.
4. Energy Star Certification
Every country has its own set of energy ratings for the air conditioner model that was tested.
Choose the one with the greatest star rating, as this indicates that the unit is far more efficient than one with a lesser star rating.
5. An infrared sensor is a device that detects the presence of infrared light.
Some manufacturers, such as GREE, have an infrared sensor built into their units that can detect the presence or absence of people in the room. If it detects no movement for a particular amount of time, it will automatically raise the programmed temperature to lessen the room's temperature. This will assist you in saving money on your electricity bill.